As it was mentioned before, the study period in dentistry lasts about 6 years, which includes two basic science courses for 2 years and specialized courses with an internship for 4 years. In the course of basic sciences, students learn biochemistry, practical physiology, theoretical physiology, anatomy, medical and dental statistics, research methods, health, histology, human genetics, microbiology, and immunology for 2 years. After completing these 2 years and passing the basic science exam, he enters the next course. The student is taught oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, maxillofacial prosthetics, pediatric dentistry, oral and dental diseases, periodontology, orthodontics, maxillofacial radiology, fixed prostheses and occlusion, oral and maxillofacial pathology, restoration and dental materials, and oral procedures in the following course.
As a dentist at dentistry in Oakville says, students enrolled in this general dentistry course have the opportunity to interact directly with patients suffering from oral and dental conditions during their internship. This course involves the student treating and examining oral and dental disorders of patients in the same manner as a general dentist, all under the guidance and supervision of the professors.
The State of the Country's Need for General Dentistry
As we know, the field of dentistry is very important in big cities, but this field has not shown its value as it should in small towns and deprived areas. The increase of candidates in the field of general dentistry somehow shows the importance of needing specialists in this field compared to other medical fields.
The Difficulties of Studying in the Field of General Dentistry
The dental profession is associated with performing practical skills on clients and patients. Therefore, there is always the possibility of transmitting infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, AIDS, etc., from the patient to the dentist. In this case, dentists should always pay enough attention to hygiene principles and tips and prevent this from happening by using masks and gloves Because shortness and a small mistake can have bad consequences.
As mentioned earlier, a dentist is at risk of joint pains and diseases; Therefore, it is recommended to have a proper daily exercise program to prevent this from happening.
Important and Required Abilities in the Field of General Dentistry
For a student of general dentistry, like other medical fields, it is necessary to master English and basic sciences Because not having these skills makes the student unable to benefit from authentic scientific articles. Also, a dental student must have skilled and capable hands to be able to do fine work in this field.
Final Statement
We looked at general dentistry in this article and discovered that it is used to identify and treat issues with the teeth, gums, and mouth. It is also regarded as a branch of medical science. It is advised to constantly be mindful of the condition of your mouth and teeth because, in addition to being attractive, having healthy teeth and gums is also crucial for your overall health. Tooth decay and damage can cause severe discomfort and have dire effects, so maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial.