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How To Use A Standing Desk?

The muscles in front of the hips and thighs shorten slightly when a person sits for an extended period. The back gets curved, and the shoulders get round. Most people know the basics of chair-based posture, which means sitting up straight and pulling your shoulders back. However, despite our best intentions, it is impossible to do this every day for the entire workday.

Standing up all day increases blood circulation, improves fat metabolism, and reduces fatigue. Researchers have found that standing desks can also increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).In addition to the apparent health benefits and flexibility, the optimal use of floor space for office desks creates a compelling business case. It is continually evolving with the needs of their workforce and technology.

The body needs movement. The discomfort has decreased from the use of a standing desk. It necessity arises from the wrong posture, so, look once again at your sitting position. Correct posture can help to do your work easily.

To maximize the benefits of your standing desk, you need to know how to use a standing desk. Let's begin:

·         Sit, stand, move: It is not advisable to stand for long. You stress your leg muscles, tendons, and other connective tissues. It can cause varicose veins (large and twisted veins in your legs). Many research shows that you should sit in your office every 1 to 2 hours. The appropriate solution is to switch between sitting and standing every 30 to 60 minutes.

·         Adjust your screen and desk: Proper standing desk with height and monitor position are critical for comfort and well-being. Try to keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle, and your neck should not be stressed. If you're using a laptop, hold the keyboard at your elbow, but your monitor won't force you to look too far down. Invest money and buy external monitors and keyboards for the betterment.

·         Get Anti-Fatigue Mats: Anti-fatigue mats are commonly used by employers who want employees to stay longer (like restaurants, salons, etc.). They are designed to reduce standing fatigue by pushing your leg muscles slightly. Additionally, they are made specifically for standing desks.

·         Move your keyboard and mouse: Bend your desk slightly, and make sure the keyboard and mouse are equal. Otherwise, you risk wrist pain and discomfort.

·         Use arm support: They are designed to relieve pressure on your mouse wrist. This soft cushioning attachment to your desk and significantly reduces the chances of other body muscle problems.

·         Take more breaks: Stretch your legs! It is an essential part of reducing muscle and skeletal discomfort. A study by researchers shows that that 35 call center workers suffered upper limb and back discomfort for two weeks.

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