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Home Remedies for Natural Hair Care

Hair is the crowning glory of any female, so you can never be careless for your haircare. Because of the busy and hectic lifestyle schedules of everyone it has become a tough to keep a routine for that.

Well we are here as your saviour because we bring you some hair hacks to make your life easy and your hairs bouncy. One should always opt for natural organic products as they don’t have a side effect on you. Two things that one should never forget is the hair growth oil and the hair pack.


The hair growth oil as the name itself suggests is oil which boosts the natural growth of hairs, giving them a bounce as well as shine. Hair growth oil is made from a mix of various essential oils which is extracted directly from the nature.

Some ingredients that are used in hair growth oils

·         JATAMANSI HERB- This herb is found in the Himalayas and is famous for its properties of calming the nerves and promoting the natural hair length and breadth and hence is used in many hair growth oils.

·         BHRINGRAJ HERB- This herb is used in many hair growth oils as it improves the circulation of blood in the scalp and revitalize the hair growth.

·         SHIKHAKAI- This is one of most commonly used ingredients of a hair growth oil. Shikhakai works as a scalp cleanser thus removing dandruff and other dirt from the root. Further it also promotes hair growth by giving soft, shiny and strong hair.

·         And many more ingredients like fenugreek seeds, cinnamon, amla, reethaetc that not only boost the length of your hairs but also the quality of your hair.


Hair packs should be used at least once to twice a week for proper nourishment of your hairs. Hair packs are basically an amalgamation of clays which nourish the hair from its roots thus giving them a natural healthy layer and look.

Some Benefits of Hair Pack-

·         Hair packs have the ability to cure the damage to some extent because of the harsh chemicals used by us on our hair.
·         Hair packs provide nourishment to the hair thus enriching their natural hair quality.
·         Hair packs lack the hard chemicals due to which your hair were damaged in the first place.
·         They promote the natural length of hair by also soothing the scalp.

And many more benefits. Stay Healthy!

Tags:hair growth oil, hair pack

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