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A Comprehensive Guide on Livestock Transport Insurance

The transportation of animals, as part of a move or to the competition, is associated with various risks. Not only for the animals themselves but also for the animal transporter and for the other road users, dangers can arise that can hardly be calculated.

For example, if an accident occurs in the transport vehicle, the consequences for the animal can sometimes be fatal. And if operations on animals are necessary due to such an accident, these are associated with high costs that owners cannot always bear out of their own assets.

Livestock transport insurance, which is offered in particular for horses, can cover these risks and at least bear the financial uncertainties.

Is it the same as Animal Life Insurance?

Animal transport insurance policies are comparable to classic animal life insurance policies. The difference, however, is that transport insurance only applies to insured transport. Animal life insurance can, therefore, be an inexpensive alternative if coverage is only required in a very specific area.

When taking out animal transport insurance, animal owners can agree on an individual sum insured with their insurance company, which should be based on the respective value of the animal. If the animal is killed due to an accident or if it cannot be avoided that the animal is killed, the animal transport insurance will transfer the contractually agreed amount of death. Alternatively, the necessary medical treatment that becomes necessary after an accident can also be insured.

What it Covers?

In principle, accidents with the transporter are insured as part of animal transport insurance. In many cases, insurance companies also pay if the animal is injured or killed by lightning or fire in the van. However, insured persons should check whether the insurance will also apply if damage has occurred during loading or unloading. Such damage is often excluded in the insurance conditions, because the risk of injury is particularly high in these situations, especially for nervous animals.

In many cases, livestock transport insurance cannot be taken out as separate insurance, but in combination with other animal insurance policies. If this is the case, the offers should be checked carefully to determine whether the additional conclusion of additional products makes sense.

When Insurance for Livestock Carriers Come to Your Rescue?

While transporting livestock, you have to face many risks - both general and specific. The main is the hazards offered by nighttime driving and rural roads. Deep clinches with poor lighting are responsible for over 60% of road accidents. Such distressful conditions threaten the health of your animals on the road.

If something unwanted happens to the livestock while transporting, livestock insurance comes to your rescue. These insurance are specifically designed to cover, death, injury or escape of livestock when the livestock is being loaded or unloaded.

All and all, Animal transport insurance effectively protects you against such costs and gives you the good feeling that your animal is well looked after in the event of an emergency.

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