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Comparing Storage Trailers and Storage Containers

Storage containers provide a number of options for transporting different types of cargo across the country. The versatile nature of these storage options makes them optimal for easily accessing and transporting a number of items in various scenarios. However, storage trailers are not the only type of storage transport that could be used.  Widely used storage trailers are another option best suited for companies who desire to transport goods and performing related services with a more stationary type of transportable storage. To understand which storage option works best for the needs of a business, it is important to compare both options and find out whether storage trailers suit those needs.

Comparing storage trailers and storage containers

Both storage containers and storage trailers serve similar purposes. When examining both types of transportable storage, each option has some differences. For this reason, any prospective buyer or renter of storage containers should take some time to explore these options before committing to a purchase or rental.

Loading Height

Storage containers are considered the best option for companies who desire to transport goods and storing items at a ground level height. When offloaded from a vehicle, many storage containers sit completely flat on the ground, usually with a step measuring about four to eight inches from ground to the storage containers floor. From this vantage point, it is not difficult to access the contents residing inside the container needing help from a ladder or ramp.

Storage trailers work somewhat differently in nature, but some similarities are still present. To start, the average storage trailers are usually not offloaded. These oversize storage containers generally sit directly against the main structure of the moving trailer while the floor of the container remains at a height comfortably accessible from the loading dock. For this reason, storage trailers are considered the best option for companies who need to transport goods from loading dock level on a regular basis.  
Storage Options

A common way to efficiently store oversized containers is stacking them on top of each other. The same principle applies to storage containers. The average storage containers can be stacked on top of each other, particularly if they were originally used as a shipping container. Storage trailers have a dissimilar design and are more solitary in nature than storage containers. They are best used separately and sit alone. Storage trailers have the unique ability to be moved around because they are typically attached to vehicle platforms with areas and wheels.


Storage containers need little maintenance, other than ensuring they remain clean and away from moist climates. Storage trailers need a little more attention and require maintenance similar to a car or larger vehicle. The maintenance usually depends on how much the storage trailers are being used, as well as the climate and environment of the location of the storage trailers. In addition, owners of storage trailers will require special licensing to rent, own, and continuously maintain the movable storage option. It is imperative to explore local licensing options before considering storage trailers for business cargo transport options.

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