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Ingrown Toenail Relief Houston

An ingrown toenail develops when the edge of the toenail digs into the skin at the edge. Ingrown toenails are painful and although we say that you properly cut the toenails doing it by yourself could increase the risk of infection. To experience ingrown toenail relief Houston, you have to consider some safety considerations for treating an ingrown toenail. Visiting a foot doctor is the best option, especially if the ingrown toenail is painful, shows signs of infection, or makes it difficult to walk. the podiatrist will help treat an ingrown toenail by removing the toenail or removing the underlying nail bed. The are other minor ingrown toenail surgeries that are effective for ingrown toenail treatment.

Ø  To help with the pain you can take over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. A numbing spray or cream also helps ease the pain especially if there is a wound.

Ø  Add Epsom salt to warm water and soak your foot in the mixture several times a day. It helps ease the swelling and pain.

Ø  Improve the blood flow to the toe by massaging the toenail and foot to speed the healing process.

Ø  After soaking dry the feet and apply an antibacterial cream to reduce the risk of infection.

Ø  Look for loose-fitting shoes or open toes shoes until the toenail heals.

Ø  Trim the nails straight rather than rounded and pointed.

Ø  Use clippers designed for toenails when working on your toenails. They are designed with wider blades and cut straight. They come in handy in preventing ingrown toenails.

Ø  Allow the nails to grow long such that the corners are lying loosely against the skin.

Ø  If you work in hazardous conditions make sure you have the proper footwear if possible wear steel-toe boots.

If the toenail does not improve after a few weeks, it will be best to seek a podiatrist ingrown toenail Houston to get the best treatment. The doctor will use a numbing solution to eliminate pain during the procedure. After surgery, you will be required to keep your foot raised for at least two days and you can wear footwear that will allow the toe to heal. The bandage is removed after two days, in the meantime avoid movement. You continue taking the prescribed antibiotics and pain relief medication and, in a few months, the toenail will grow back. Some symptoms that indicate a toenail infection are;pain, fever, pus, significant swelling, and redness. If the toe is infected the foot doctor recommends an X-ray to reveal if the ingrown nail is due to injury and how deep the nail is into the skin. If not treated in time, ingrown toenails can cause infection to the bone that could lead to loss of blood flow, foot ulcers, or open sores. The quality of life can be affected especially if you have painful foot issues. Visit a podiatrist so that you learn how to fix ingrown toenail permanently.

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