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Which is the most expensive AC?

The most important parameter to consider when choosing an air conditioner is the area of ​​the room. The larger it is, the more powerful the air conditioner should be. If the power is insufficient, the air conditioner simply cannot cope with cooling, especially in hot weather. Moreover, if it is too powerful, the energy consumption will be unreasonably high. In addition, the air conditioner will often turn off and on, as the desired air temperature in a small room is reached quickly. And constant switching will accelerate its wear.

Therefore, for smaller rooms and offices it is better to choose air conditioners of lower power, and for spacious halls of houses and large offices - more powerful models.

One of the great importances is also the type of air conditioner. Consider the features and prices of the top ACs inIndia.

Window air conditioners: This is an inexpensive and compact option that is built into the window. A very simple design in which all the components are assembled in one unit. Now such air conditioners are unpopular due to the high noise level during their operation and the impossibility of mounting on modern plastic windows - unless, of course, an opening was provided for it initially. The average price for Window Air Conditioner starts from 25,000 INR to 35,000 INR which is the great for single room homes.

Mobile air conditioners: This option is suitable for those who rent an apartment for a short time, they are also popular among summer residents. Mobile air conditioning does not require installation and dismantling, it can simply be moved from place to place. The disadvantages of such models are high noise, bulkiness and a small cooling area - not more than 25 square meters. The average price range for these ACs is also budget friendly. A Mobile AC easily comes in the range of 25,000 INR to 30,000 INR.

Split systems: Today it is the most popular model of air conditioners, consisting of two units - internal and external. Split systems are distinguished by low noise, small size and a variety of functions. Such air conditioners are equipped with the most modern air filters and have air flow control systems. Wall split systems are designed for rooms with an area of ​​15 to 90 square meters. 

Perhaps this is the best air conditioning for the apartment. Now if we talk about the price of these Air Conditioners, then these are the most expensive Air Conditioners, reasonably priced for their technology and functions. You easily can get a Split AC under the budget range of 30,000 INR to 45,000 INR.

Multi split systems: Such air conditioners differ from the previous type in the number of indoor units. Multi-split systems have several internal units (usually 2 to 5) and only one external unit. It is good air conditioning for apartments and offices, consisting of several rooms, but it is notable for its high price. Multi-split systems are often chosen when it is impossible to place a large number of blocks on the facade of the building - for example, if the building is a monument of architecture or the owners simply do not want to spoil the appearance of the house.

Although, the price range we have mentioned about the types of the Air Conditioners can be more or less than we suggested because of the different brands, variants and Models.

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