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Baby fungal infection: what should you do?

You should start using the right creams like antifungal cream if you find any signs of fungal infection. The point is these fungal infections are mild only if you treat them in time. You should not take a chance with the fungal infection. If these infections get adverse, they might end up with the adverse outcomes.

You should start using the right creams for anyone at the right time. Even babies can get fungal infection and it gets significant that you use antifungal cream for babies in india to ensure that the infection does not damage the delicate skin of your baby. What is the point if the skin gets itchy, red and bruised? Your child might not find it comfortable and it could get even painful too.

How to know if the baby has fungal infection?

You know a fungal infection(candidiasis) might show up or appear in different ways on your baby. On the tongue, it is known as thrush and looks like dried milk, which, unlike milk, cannot be scraped off. In the diaper area, candidiasis appears like an intense red rash, most of the times with smaller bumps around the edges. A fungal infection loves moist and dark areas, so you would find redness because of it in the creases of the thighs. Candidiasis can be treated with antifungal oral gel or even  liquid medicine (for the oral thrush) or that of antifungal cream (for the area of diaper), or even both.

Can your child get ringworm?

You know ringworm is a fungal infection that fortunately does not have anything to do with worms. The fungus, even known as tinea, takes on a circular, worm-like look in infants and children.  It is a condition that is highly contagious and easily transmitted. You know people-to-people transmission triggers the majority of cases, but pets-to-people transmission is somewhat more common worldwide.

Though babies can get ringworm anywhere on their body, two common locations can be like on the scalp and the body (including face). Ringworm in such types of areas can often resemble other conditions, so it is crucial to be aware of the distinctive appearance that ringworm might take on over time in babies.

Are there any signs of ringworm?

Ringworm most of the times starts as red, scaly patches of skin. You could note only a single patch, or instead witness several patchy areas.  In case the areas are on the scalp, you could at first think they are dandruff or cradle cap. Scalp ringworm might cause hair loss and hair breakage on the impacted area.  Also remember that the scalp ringworm is most common in kids ages two to ten.

Also, ringworm is a condition that can occur on the face as well. Once this occurs, the itchy areas of skin could look like eczema, or that of atopic dermatitis. Over time, the patchy zones start to grow in ring-like circles that are between 1 to 2 inch and 1 inch in diameter with a raised border and that of clear area in the centre.  You can notice your baby itching these areas.


So, you can use antifungal cream for babyskin for your beloved little one and ensure that the child does not go through any inconvenience.

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