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Vampire Facial: Should You Be Worried About The Risk Of Contracting HIV?

With the increasing demand for facial products, scientists are researching various techniques to provide lasting solutions for skin problems like wrinkles, stretch marks, acne, uneven tone, and loss of elasticity among others. Along the process, vampire facial was invented and has seen progressive growth owing to its desirable results. The procedure involves making thousands of micro punctures on your face and neck with the aim of rejuvenating your skin.

What Is Vampire Facial And How Does It Work?

Facial vampire is a minimally invasive medical procedure that involves injecting platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) into your skin. It involves the use of a machine comprising of micro needles that make very small punctures on your skin. Also known as PRP therapy, vampire facial starts with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon administering local anesthesia on your face. As the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor draws a small amount of blood, approximately 30 ml, from you and runs it through a centrifuge where platelet-rich-plasma is isolated from the platelets-poor-plasma.

The micro needle machine is passed slowly across your face as the micro needles make thousands of punctures on your skin to make it easy for the PRP to flow into our skin. This triggers the stem cells to release collagen which stimulates cell division and hence alleviate scarring. In addition, PRP therapy helps to treat acne, wrinkles, and aging spots.

Will you contract HIV from vampire facial?

The popularity of PRP therapy received a major blow in the year 2018 when it was reported that a number of people had been exposed to blood infections when undergoing the procedure in a spa in Mexico. Despite the sad news regarding this innovative process, it’s important to note that the procedure is safe since your own blood is injected back into your skin and hence saves you from allergic reactions and infections. However, vampire facial should be done by a trained and certified medical specialist who works in a properly-equipped and clean environment and uses sterilized tools in the treatment. Therefore, PRP therapy can be said to be safe and risk-free as long as it’s safely and correctly performed.

You are more likely to contract HIV when your doctor fails to follow the safety standards or advise you on safe aftercare procedures. Although there may not be a 100% guarantee of the safety of the procedure, just like other medical processes, you can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by working with trained and certified medical professionals. If you are not sure of your doctor’s qualifications, don’t shy away from asking for their credentials. In case insufficient information is provided, don’t hesitate to find another professional to administer PRP therapy.


Vampire facial has proven to be a great solution to a wide range of skin problems. The procedure involves skin penetrations which can expose you to blood infections such as HIV and Hepatitis B when safety standards are not followed. However, you can reduce the risk of contracting the infections by ensuring that vampire facial is done by a certified and professional health specialist.

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